20 research outputs found

    Univariate Weibull Distributions and Their Applications

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    The aim of the paper is to bring out the short and concise review of the Univariate Weibull distributions along with their properties. The area of applications is emphasized at the end of the sections. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Venska tromboembolija u hitnoj medicinskoj službi - iskustva jednog centra

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    Given the importance of early recognition of acute venous thromboembolism (VTE ) and the nonspecificity of its symptoms and signs, it is essential to follow the guidelines for diagnostic and therapeutic decisions. Ultrasound examination of the entire lower extremity is currently the standard diagnostic method for symptomatic patients with a clinical probability of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) according to the Wells scoring system. The aim of this study is to show the demographic structure and analyze the number of patients in the emergency department with suspected venous thrombosis. In the past 10 years, 2,022 patients with DVT and 686 with pulmonary emboli have been diagnosed. Despite adherence to the diagnostic protocol, nearly two-thirds of patients require early ultrasound diagnosis. One-fifth of patients had thrombosis of the superficial venous system of the leg or arm. Thrombus was present in the veins of the lower leg in 37% of patients with DVT. The presence of thrombi above the knee, involving the deep femoropopliteal venous system, was found in as much as one-third of patients. These findings and current guidelines suggest that there is a paradigm shift toward more frequent use of DO AC in patients with DVT. However, greater educational efforts may be needed for many physicians to become comfortable with the use of DO AC in the outpatient management of patient populations at low risk for pulmonary embolism.Venski tromboembolizam označava duboku vensku trombozu i plućnu emboliju, a uzevÅ”i u obzir važnost ranog prepoznavanja, nespecifičnosti simptoma i znakova, neophodno je pridržavanja smjernicama prilikom donoÅ”enja dijagnostičkih i terapijskih odluka. Ultrasonografija je trenutno standardna dijagnostička metoda za simptomatske bolesnike s kliničkom vjerojatnosti VTE prema Wellsovom bodovnom sustavu. Cilj rada je prikazati demografsku strukturu i analizirati broj bolesnika u hitnoj službi sa sumnjom na vensku trombozu. Unazad 10 godina, dijagnosticirano je 2022 bolesnika s DVT i 686 plućnih embolija. Unatoč protokolu, u gotovo dvije trećine bolesnika neophodna je rana ultrazvučna dijagnostika, sve viÅ”e prihvaćena od strane liječnika, posebno u uvjetima hitne medicinske pomoći. U petine bolesnika, 21%, utvrđena je tromboza povrÅ”inskog venskog sustava noge ili ruke. U 37% bolesnika s DVT tromb je bio prisutan u venama potkoljenice. Prisutnost tromba iznad razine koljena, uz zahvaćenost femoropoplitealnog dubokog venskog sustava, dokazan je u 38% bolesnika. Rezultati istraživanja i trenutne smjernice sugeriraju da je doÅ”lo do promjena u izboru antikoagulacijske terapije kod bolesnika s DVT, u prilog DOAK-a. Međutim, možda će biti potrebni veći napori kako bi se liječnici odlučili za DOAK u vanbolničkim uvjetima liječenja bolesnika s plućnom embolijom

    Fear at Delivering Presentations: Relations to Age

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    Highly polished presentations skills became prevalent communication technique in various academic and business disciplines fields. Presentation competencies became not just preferable, but indispensable for graduates on the employment market. The fear is the main reason, which decreases the presentationā€™s delivering quality, so the teachers include presentations into curricula from early stages of educations. Scholars continuously develop techniques and methods, which reduce student stress and anxiety during a presentation performance. However, different methods are effective for different types of fears and anxieties. The purpose of this paper is to establish is their connection between different age groups and different types of fear. The research was undertaken on a sample of 495 students from the Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb, and the correspondence analysis was used to examine the data. The evidence from this study confirmed that the different age groups are more prone to different kind of fears, and it provided a deeper understanding of the origins of student presentation fears. The results could be beneficial both for scholars who can use this paper for developing further investigations and for practitioners who work with students, for developing specific methods for different kind of fears and age groups.Ā  This work is licensed under aĀ Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Utilization of Forecasting Methods for Cryptocurrencies

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    Electronic money has evolved in one of the relevant ways to achieve electronic payment, that is, a form of payment with significantly lower online transactions. The idea for the development of the above has consolidated the segment of retaining all the favourable characteristics of cash while eliminating deficiencies. The paper purpose is to discuss the relevance of electronic money or alternative currencies, cryptocurrencies, and to present statistical processing the most 30 influential cryptocurrencies with an emphasis on the most popular cryptocurrency called Bitcoin. We elaborate on the main differences between the virtual currency and electronic money after we present the historical development of cryptocurrencies. In the end, we present the statistical and forecasting analysis of the most important cryptocurrencies.Ā  This work is licensed under aĀ Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Statistical Analysis of the Most Influential Cryptocurrencies

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    A comparison of the most 30 influential cryptocurrencies has been made, based on the "CoinMarketCap" web page. Over the last few years, an increasing number of the world\u27s population is investing in the cryptocurrency market. The emphasis is placed on Bitcoin, which is the absolute leader on this market. The difference between electronic money and virtual currency is explained, followed by the history of crypto values. Finally, the statistical analysis of the most influential cryptocurrencies, during the last year, will be presented. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Konzervirati ili restaurirati, pitanje je

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    Recenzija, prikaz knjige "Spomenik kao knjiga. Spisi o arhitekturi, kulturi i restauriranju 1861 ā€“ 1886." Camilla Boita

    Konzervirati ili restaurirati, pitanje je

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    Recenzija, prikaz knjige "Spomenik kao knjiga. Spisi o arhitekturi, kulturi i restauriranju 1861 ā€“ 1886." Camilla Boita


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    Cilj rada: Å ećerna bolest je veliki zdravstveni i socioekonomski problem u Republici Hrvatskoj. Prema podatcima Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo registrirano je preko 300.000 bolesnika sa Å”ećernom bolesti, uz daljnji rast broja oboljelih. U 2017. godini Å”ećerna bolest nalazila se na petom mjestu vodećih uzroka smrti sa 3,7 % udjela u ukupnoj smrtnosti. Dijabetička ketoacidoza, hiperglikemijsko hiperosmolarno stanje i hipoglikemija su ozbiljne komplikacije Å”ećerne bolesti tip 1 i tip 2, koje su ujedno i najčeŔća hitna stanja u endokrinologiji. Iako se dijabetička ketoacidoza najčeŔće javlja u osoba s tipom 1 Å”ećerne bolesti, a hiperosmolarno stanje s tipom 2 sve je veća pojavnost dijabetičke ketoacidoze i u dijabetičara s tipom 2 Å”ećerne bolesti. Glavni cilj istraživanja je analizirati hipoglikemijske i hiperglikemijske krize bolesnika u hitnoj medicinskoj službi u razdoblju od 2010. do 2018. godine u Kliničkoj bolnici Sveti Duh. Metode: Ispitivana populacija obuhvaćala je ukupno 175.446 odrasle osobe pregledane u hitnoj medicinskoj službi u razdoblju od 1. 1. 2010. do 31. 12. 2018., uz vrijednost glukoze u plazmi većoj od 13,9 mmol/L ili manjoj od 3,9 mmol/L. Ovisno o nalazu acidobaznog statusa, ketonuriji i osmolarnosti plazme bolesnici su podijeljeni u jednu od četiri skupine: neketotična hiperglikemija, hipoglikemija u Å”ećernoj bolesti, dijabetička ketoacidoza ili hiperosmolarno hiperglikemijsko stanje. Bolesnici su također podijeljeni prema dobi i tipu Å”ećerne bolesti. Rezultati: U 3.773 posjeta bila je zadovoljena deļ¬ nicija hiperglikemijske ili hipoglikemijske krize, od čega 180 epizoda dijabetičke ketoacidoze, 29 hiperosmolarna hiperglikemijska stanja, 359 hipoglikemijska stanja te 567 slučajeva novootkrivene Å”ećerne bolesti. Broj epizoda hiperglikemijskih kriza bio je tijekom godina bez većih odstupanja. Samo 17,72 % slučajeva dijabetičke ketoacidoze zabilježeno je u bolesnika sa Å”ećernom bolesti tip 1, dok su preostali bolesnici imali dijagnozu tip 2. Zabilježeno je da su infekcije bile najčeŔći čimbenik rizika dijabetičke ketoacidoze s 35,4 %, propuÅ”tanjem terapije inzulina kao drugim najčeŔćim uzrokom s 29,3 %. U 15 % bolesnika s akutnim komplikacijama Å”ećerne bolesti zabilježen je ponovni prijam u razdoblju od 30 dana. Rasprava: Učestalost posjeta hitnom prijmu bolesnika sa Å”ećernom bolesti bila je veća od očekivane s obzirom na učestalost dijagnoze u općoj populaciji. Zabilježeno je godiÅ”nje povećanje broja slučajeva dijabetičke ketoacidoze i hipoglikemija u bolesnika sa Å”ećernom bolesti starijih od 60 godina. S obzirom na smjernice kliničke prakse, vrijeme započinjanja i volumen primjene kristaloidnih otopina bili su u preko dvije trećine slučajeva zadovoljavajući. Međutim, usporedbom sa smjernicama kliničke prakse o primjeni inzulina unutar prvih 60 minuta, u viÅ”e od dvije trećine slučajeva dijabetičke ketoacidoze vrijeme prve primjene bilo je nakon 100 minuta. Mogući razlozi su nespeciļ¬ čnost kliničkih znakova i vrijeme potrebno do dostupnosti rezultata krvnih nalaza. Zaključak: Učestalost Å”ećerne bolesti u bolesnika koji su zaprimljeni u hitnu medicinsku službu veća je od očekivane u općoj populaciji uz porast broja bolesnika sa Å”ećernom bolesti tip 1 i tip 2. Većina bolesnika s dijabetičkom ketoacidozom imala su Å”ećernu bolest tip 2, iako su se bolesnici s tipom 1 u hitnoj službi čeŔće prezentirali s dijabetičkom ketoacidozom. NajčeŔći prepoznati čimbenici rizika za dijabetičku ketoacidozu bile su infekcije i neodgovarajuća terapija inzulina. Zabilježen je porast koriÅ”tenja metformina i DPP-4 inhibitora u terapiji Å”ećerne bolesti.Objective: Diabetes is one of the major health and socioeconomic problems in Croatia. According to data from the Croatian Institute of Public Health, over 300,000 patients with diabetes have been registered, with further increase in the number of patients. In 2017, diabetes was recognized as the ļ¬ fth leading cause of death, accounting for 3.7% of total mortality. Diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperglycemic hyperosmolar condition, and hypoglycemia are serious complications of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, which also are the most common emergency conditions in endocrinology. Although diabetic ketoacidosis most commonly occurs in people with type 1 diabetes and hyperosmolar condition in those with type 2 diabetes, there is an increasing incidence of diabetic ketoacidosis in subjects with type 2 diabetes. The main aim of the research was to analyze the hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic crisis patients at Department of Emergency Medicine, Sveti Duh University Hospital, during the 2010-2018 period. Methods: The study population included a total of 175,446 adults examined at Emergency Department from January 1, 2010 until December 31, 2018, with plasma glucose values greater than 13.9 mmol/L or less than 3.9 mmol/L. Depending on the acid-base status, ketonuria and plasma osmolarity, patients were divided into four groups as follows: non-ketotic hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia in diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis, and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state. Patients were also divided according to age and type of diabetes. Results: At 3,773 visits, deļ¬ nitions of hyperglycemic or hypoglycemic crisis were met, of which 180 episodes of diabetic ketoacidosis, 29 hyperosmolar hyperglycemic conditions, 359 hypoglycemic conditions, and 567 cases of newly diagnosed diabetes. The number of episodes of hyperglycemic crisis was been without major ļ¬‚ uctuations over years. Only 17.72% of diabetic ketoacidosis cases were reported in patients with type 1 diabetes, whereas the remaining patients were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Infections were reported as the most common risk factor for diabetic ketoacidosis (35.4%), followed by missed insulin therapy as the second most common cause (29.3%). Repeated admission within 30 days was recorded in 15% of patients with acute complications of diabetes. Discussion: The frequency of visits of diabetic patients was higher than expected due to the frequency of diagnoses in the general population. There was an annual increase in the incidence of diabetic ketoacidosis and hypoglycemia in patients older than 60 years. Considering the guidelines for clinical practice, the starting time and volume of crystalloid solutions administered were satisfactory in more than two-thirds of cases. However, compared to clinical practice guidelines for insulin administration within the ļ¬ rst 60 minutes, the time of ļ¬ rst administration was after 100 minutes in more than two-thirds of diabetic ketoacidosis cases. The possible reasons were non-speciļ¬ city of the clinical signs and the time it took for blood test result reporting. Conclusion: The incidence of diabetes in patients admitted to the emergency department was higher than expected in the general population, with an increase in type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients. Most patients with diabetic ketoacidosis had already been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, although patients with type 1 diabetes more often presented with diabetic ketoacidosis to the emergency department. The most commonly recognized risk factors for diabetic ketoacidosis were infection and inadequate insulin therapy. There was an increase in the use of metformin and DPP-4 inhibitors in diabetes therapy


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    Cilj rada: Å ećerna bolest je veliki zdravstveni i socioekonomski problem u Republici Hrvatskoj. Prema podatcima Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo registrirano je preko 300.000 bolesnika sa Å”ećernom bolesti, uz daljnji rast broja oboljelih. U 2017. godini Å”ećerna bolest nalazila se na petom mjestu vodećih uzroka smrti sa 3,7 % udjela u ukupnoj smrtnosti. Dijabetička ketoacidoza, hiperglikemijsko hiperosmolarno stanje i hipoglikemija su ozbiljne komplikacije Å”ećerne bolesti tip 1 i tip 2, koje su ujedno i najčeŔća hitna stanja u endokrinologiji. Iako se dijabetička ketoacidoza najčeŔće javlja u osoba s tipom 1 Å”ećerne bolesti, a hiperosmolarno stanje s tipom 2 sve je veća pojavnost dijabetičke ketoacidoze i u dijabetičara s tipom 2 Å”ećerne bolesti. Glavni cilj istraživanja je analizirati hipoglikemijske i hiperglikemijske krize bolesnika u hitnoj medicinskoj službi u razdoblju od 2010. do 2018. godine u Kliničkoj bolnici Sveti Duh. Metode: Ispitivana populacija obuhvaćala je ukupno 175.446 odrasle osobe pregledane u hitnoj medicinskoj službi u razdoblju od 1. 1. 2010. do 31. 12. 2018., uz vrijednost glukoze u plazmi većoj od 13,9 mmol/L ili manjoj od 3,9 mmol/L. Ovisno o nalazu acidobaznog statusa, ketonuriji i osmolarnosti plazme bolesnici su podijeljeni u jednu od četiri skupine: neketotična hiperglikemija, hipoglikemija u Å”ećernoj bolesti, dijabetička ketoacidoza ili hiperosmolarno hiperglikemijsko stanje. Bolesnici su također podijeljeni prema dobi i tipu Å”ećerne bolesti. Rezultati: U 3.773 posjeta bila je zadovoljena deļ¬ nicija hiperglikemijske ili hipoglikemijske krize, od čega 180 epizoda dijabetičke ketoacidoze, 29 hiperosmolarna hiperglikemijska stanja, 359 hipoglikemijska stanja te 567 slučajeva novootkrivene Å”ećerne bolesti. Broj epizoda hiperglikemijskih kriza bio je tijekom godina bez većih odstupanja. Samo 17,72 % slučajeva dijabetičke ketoacidoze zabilježeno je u bolesnika sa Å”ećernom bolesti tip 1, dok su preostali bolesnici imali dijagnozu tip 2. Zabilježeno je da su infekcije bile najčeŔći čimbenik rizika dijabetičke ketoacidoze s 35,4 %, propuÅ”tanjem terapije inzulina kao drugim najčeŔćim uzrokom s 29,3 %. U 15 % bolesnika s akutnim komplikacijama Å”ećerne bolesti zabilježen je ponovni prijam u razdoblju od 30 dana. Rasprava: Učestalost posjeta hitnom prijmu bolesnika sa Å”ećernom bolesti bila je veća od očekivane s obzirom na učestalost dijagnoze u općoj populaciji. Zabilježeno je godiÅ”nje povećanje broja slučajeva dijabetičke ketoacidoze i hipoglikemija u bolesnika sa Å”ećernom bolesti starijih od 60 godina. S obzirom na smjernice kliničke prakse, vrijeme započinjanja i volumen primjene kristaloidnih otopina bili su u preko dvije trećine slučajeva zadovoljavajući. Međutim, usporedbom sa smjernicama kliničke prakse o primjeni inzulina unutar prvih 60 minuta, u viÅ”e od dvije trećine slučajeva dijabetičke ketoacidoze vrijeme prve primjene bilo je nakon 100 minuta. Mogući razlozi su nespeciļ¬ čnost kliničkih znakova i vrijeme potrebno do dostupnosti rezultata krvnih nalaza. Zaključak: Učestalost Å”ećerne bolesti u bolesnika koji su zaprimljeni u hitnu medicinsku službu veća je od očekivane u općoj populaciji uz porast broja bolesnika sa Å”ećernom bolesti tip 1 i tip 2. Većina bolesnika s dijabetičkom ketoacidozom imala su Å”ećernu bolest tip 2, iako su se bolesnici s tipom 1 u hitnoj službi čeŔće prezentirali s dijabetičkom ketoacidozom. NajčeŔći prepoznati čimbenici rizika za dijabetičku ketoacidozu bile su infekcije i neodgovarajuća terapija inzulina. Zabilježen je porast koriÅ”tenja metformina i DPP-4 inhibitora u terapiji Å”ećerne bolesti.Objective: Diabetes is one of the major health and socioeconomic problems in Croatia. According to data from the Croatian Institute of Public Health, over 300,000 patients with diabetes have been registered, with further increase in the number of patients. In 2017, diabetes was recognized as the ļ¬ fth leading cause of death, accounting for 3.7% of total mortality. Diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperglycemic hyperosmolar condition, and hypoglycemia are serious complications of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, which also are the most common emergency conditions in endocrinology. Although diabetic ketoacidosis most commonly occurs in people with type 1 diabetes and hyperosmolar condition in those with type 2 diabetes, there is an increasing incidence of diabetic ketoacidosis in subjects with type 2 diabetes. The main aim of the research was to analyze the hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic crisis patients at Department of Emergency Medicine, Sveti Duh University Hospital, during the 2010-2018 period. Methods: The study population included a total of 175,446 adults examined at Emergency Department from January 1, 2010 until December 31, 2018, with plasma glucose values greater than 13.9 mmol/L or less than 3.9 mmol/L. Depending on the acid-base status, ketonuria and plasma osmolarity, patients were divided into four groups as follows: non-ketotic hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia in diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis, and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state. Patients were also divided according to age and type of diabetes. Results: At 3,773 visits, deļ¬ nitions of hyperglycemic or hypoglycemic crisis were met, of which 180 episodes of diabetic ketoacidosis, 29 hyperosmolar hyperglycemic conditions, 359 hypoglycemic conditions, and 567 cases of newly diagnosed diabetes. The number of episodes of hyperglycemic crisis was been without major ļ¬‚ uctuations over years. Only 17.72% of diabetic ketoacidosis cases were reported in patients with type 1 diabetes, whereas the remaining patients were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Infections were reported as the most common risk factor for diabetic ketoacidosis (35.4%), followed by missed insulin therapy as the second most common cause (29.3%). Repeated admission within 30 days was recorded in 15% of patients with acute complications of diabetes. Discussion: The frequency of visits of diabetic patients was higher than expected due to the frequency of diagnoses in the general population. There was an annual increase in the incidence of diabetic ketoacidosis and hypoglycemia in patients older than 60 years. Considering the guidelines for clinical practice, the starting time and volume of crystalloid solutions administered were satisfactory in more than two-thirds of cases. However, compared to clinical practice guidelines for insulin administration within the ļ¬ rst 60 minutes, the time of ļ¬ rst administration was after 100 minutes in more than two-thirds of diabetic ketoacidosis cases. The possible reasons were non-speciļ¬ city of the clinical signs and the time it took for blood test result reporting. Conclusion: The incidence of diabetes in patients admitted to the emergency department was higher than expected in the general population, with an increase in type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients. Most patients with diabetic ketoacidosis had already been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, although patients with type 1 diabetes more often presented with diabetic ketoacidosis to the emergency department. The most commonly recognized risk factors for diabetic ketoacidosis were infection and inadequate insulin therapy. There was an increase in the use of metformin and DPP-4 inhibitors in diabetes therapy

    Competitiveness of the Livestock Production in Croatia in the Process of Joining EU

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    The competitiveness of livestock production was decreasing during the long period in the history. From 1880 to 1915 livestock production in Croatia was competitive and the large number of agricultural products was exported to other countries. Current livestock production is present in the small family farms and this is the main reason for the low competitiveness of the livestock production in Croatia. Recently, the size of the family farms started to enlarge. Tourism is important part of the Croatian economy leading to the development of autochthonous products which are able to be sold in large quantities at high prices